Fagu Purnima ( Holi)


                 Nepali Festival Falgun Purnima

       According to the mythology, this is the prevailing tradition. According to mythology, there was a Brahmin king named Hiranyakashyap in a kingdom. He was arrogant and a staunch opponent of Lord Vishnu. But his son (Prince) Prahalad was young but still had a different nature from his father. He was humble and worshiped Lord Vishnu with a pure heart. Prahlad used to openly oppose his father's mistake..

 Fagu Purnim (Holi)

 Seeing his devotion to God, his father Hiranyakashyap was very angry. He then resorted to all means of punishment, but when he saw that Prince Prahalad had not given up chanting and worshiping Lord Vishnu, he finally decided to burn his own son.

               Happy Holi                         Happy Holi                          Happy Holi

He asked his sister Holika to help him in this task. They then decided to burn the prince on the night of the full moon in the fall. On the night of the full moon, Holika puts Prince Prahalad in her arms and burns him, but on the contrary, Holika burns herself in the fire without any harm.

Because of Prahalad's devotion, he was blessed by God, so the fire did him no harm. Seeing this, all the people present there started praising Prahalad with colorful water, flowers and colors. From this day onwards, on the full moon day of the month of Falgun, due to the victory of truth over untruth, there has been a tradition of celebrating Holi.

  Features of Falgun Purnima.

Haley is celebrated with great pomp as one of the most popular and important festivals in Nepal. This festival is celebrated from the full moon day of the month of Falgun to 2 days (03/28 / 2021-03 / 28/2021). On the first day it is celebrated in the hills and on the tenth day it is celebrated in the Terai. 

This month is also called the day of the colorful month. As this day is very enjoyable, a large number of tourists from different countries can be seen. On this day, crowds of people lined the streets, some of them soaking in the water from their tall houses. Somewhere in the festival, people can be seen saying, "Happy Holi, Holi, don't be angry." 

The entire Kathmandu Valley, from Durbar Square to all area, is immersed in the festival. People from children to old people and foreigners who have come to enjoy this festival are also very happy with this festival. On this day, people do not even know each other. You can also see how many faces are painted with different sprays. 

Nepali Festival Fagu (Purnima Holi)

At this moment, everyone is eager to capture the fun moment in their memory for the camera mobile and selfie. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself! This day will give you the experience of your childhood. However, as the number of carnivores in India has been increasing for the past few days, the Government of Nepal has urged the people not to celebrate this day in crowds and to celebrate it in their own homes. 5,000 security personnel will be deployed in the Valley alone to manage Haley. 

What kind of clothes do you need now?

This is not to say that you should wear the same clothes in Haley, but on this day most people wear white T-shirts and pants. The price of white t-shirt is also cheap and suitable for everyone to wear and it can also be used to put hand prints and friends' stamps on the wall to remember your memories. Some people use it only in recent days and displace it.

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